Comments on: Defeatist Attitude Preparedness News & Opinion Wed, 10 Mar 2021 04:27:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Billy Wed, 10 Mar 2021 04:27:47 +0000 Having a defeatist attitude is one thing. But being unrealistically positive is another. Everybody can’t do everything. If somebody hasn’t even tried, that’s one thing. But there are some times where someone won’t succeed, regardless of how hard they try. Tell some horribly ugly girl she has a defeatist attitude because she doesn’t think she’ll get a job as a supermodel. Regardless of the attitude she has, they’re never going to hire her when they can hire a girl with spectacular looks. Even an average-looking girl could have that problem. After first graduating college long ago, I had average grades and no work experience. I went to a job fair where they had people with many years of job experience and really high grades. When I told my sister they’d never hire someone like me when they could hire someone like that, she said I had a defeatist attitude. I tried to tell her it was a realistic attitude, not a defeatist one. Get your heads out of the clouds!

Of course there are cases where someone DOES have a defeatist attitude. Someone might have the ability to succeed but thinks they won’t, and doesn’t even try. That’s another matter.
